About Us

AISESA stands for the All India Special Education Services and Assistance and it is a platform for all parents of children with special needs and professionals working in this field. Founded by Mohit Dhuria,Sharnam Monga and Neeti Lamba who are special educators themselves with extensive experience in working with special children, have designed this website to give a platform to provide information to the special educators, professionals and the parents of children with special needs.  


Mr. Mohit Dhuria

Aisesa was founded by Mr. Mohit Dhuria . He is an experienced Special Educator who adapts and modifies general curriculum to suit the needs of CWSN. He helps students to develop emotionally, socially and academically. He believes in team spirit. He is sensitive to students needs no matter they are ADD, ADHD, Autistic or Intellectually Impaired. He keeps on upgrading his knowledge by attending various seminars and workshops. Also, he believes in sharing his knowledge for the same. He has organized many workshops on LD, Inclusive Education, Behaviour, ADHD in and outside Delhi

Mr. Sharnam Monga

The Co-founder is Mr. Sharnam Monga who is also Special Educator . He is a goal oriented person who has comprehensive problem solving abilities. He is flexible towards any kind of work environment. He is sensitive to the needs of specially abled children and works towards mainstreaming them. He works with a main stream school and helps the children with learning needs to be a part of it. He too keeps on attending and organizing workshop and seminars.

Mrs. Neeti Lamba

The Second Co-founder is Ms. Neeti Lamba. She has done her B.Ed. in Sp. Ed, Post graduate Certificate in ID(Intellectual disability) and Post graduate Diploma in guidance and Counseling. She is very patient who loves to pick up all the challenges. She works towards inclusion. As an HOD in her school, she started to help the CWSN so that they can be a part of the mainstream classes. She also trains the parents of CWSN so that they can work with their children. She also takes workshops with SCERT for Govt. Sp. Educators.

Mission and Vision

To bring all educators and parents in a single place as well as to provide all service related to education on one single platform whether for small children, teachers, trainers, professors to the top level.